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Beautiful Words

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2020 10:32 pm
by complexity
"I was a very heavy drinker for a long time. Some would have said alcoholic, i classified myself as a functional drunk, although there was a problem either way. I set out on a journey to lose weight and somewhere along the lines it changed to a journey that feels good and healthy. I did some trial and error with my diet, quit drinking and did a lot of reading. I have a strict diet now, but i feel amazing. And i feel more love and happiness than i ever have before, even with all that is taking place. I can't attribute that to only my diet, i started getting outside more and back in touch with nature, and i found my way through spirituality and faith. Not in a restrictive conformed religious way, but in my own way. I want to help others feel their own inner strength and know that is all we need, the rest is the icing on the cake. People need to start loving themselves and believing in themselves again."

to all of you struggling