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Beautiful Shades Of Grey

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 1:07 am
by S-a-S
We kissed for hours,
Our bodies entwined with one another’s upon the bed.
Before we fell asleep,
“Goodnight” and “Sweet dreams” were our final words said.
The lights go out,
A dense darkness disperses throughout as the light escapes.
In a lightless room,
All things brusquely eclipse into diverse, jet black shapes.

My eyes refocused,
Everything’s now a contrasting, blending shade of grey.
You’re lying asleep,
I’m lying by your side with eyes open, hypnotically awake.
Full of intrigue,
Grey, a colour commonly referred to as the epitome of dull.
Gazing gently at you,
I don’t ever recall seeing a sight so naturally beautiful.

In the still of the night,
So undisturbed and motionless like a tranquil midnight Nile.
Lying peacefully still,
I visually appreciate the subtle outline of your contented smile.
Asleep, blissfully quiet,
Your chest softly rising then descending as we breathe the same air.
You lie placid yet happy,
In the benighted room, my gaze’s now evolved into a perceptive stare.

Suffocated by greyness,
Reminiscent of a concealed sun behind storm clouds as it patiently waits.
Sombre shade surrounds us,
Yet in a room camouflaged by colourlessness, you still effortlessly radiate.
A platinum shade of grey,
Delicately defines the flow of every beautifully sculptured curve.
So majestic your body,
An everlasting chiaroscuro stored in my mind, indefinitely preserved.